Being Able to Distinguish the True Christ From False Christs, I Welcomed the Returned Lord
By Zhang Jie One day, a sister from my original denomination notified me of a co-worker meeting, so I hurried to the meeting place by bike. After we …
By Bellie, Malaysia
There was a time when I did not dare seek and investigate at news of the Lord Jesus’ return for fear of going astray. Then, after grasping the principles of discerning the true way and false ways, I had a standard for evaluating the true way and knew how to determine it. So I no longer felt worried or afraid and finally welcomed the Lord’s return through seeking and investigating.
In December of 2019, I met Brother Yang and Sister Fang on Facebook. Later, we often talked about belief, and I found that they focused on fellowshiping on the Lord’s intentions and about what kind of people the Lord likes, what kind of people He detests, how we should practice to satisfy Him, and more. Their understanding of the Bible was enlightened and I had never heard any preachers talk about this. In the past, the preachers had said that as long as we observed the Sabbath, focused on reading the Bible and praying, and persisted in offering a tithe, then we were believing in and worshiping the Lord. However, only through the fellowship of Brother Yang and Sister Fang did I know that apart from doing those things, we also need to pay attention to experiencing and practicing God’s words in our real lives, so that we have our corrupt dispositions cleansed and changed and our actions can glorify and bear witness to God. Only this is truly believing in God. Their fellowship sounded new and fresh and practical. Indeed, believing in God is not a simple matter. Only when we believers attain transformation of our disposition and our living out can glorify the Lord will we be able to receive the Lord’s approval. I thought of my ten years of belief in the Lord—I had just constantly asked the Lord for grace and blessings, only wanted to gain benefit from Him but never thought about doing something for Him and about how I should practice His words to glorify and bear witness to Him. I was too selfish and did not truly believe in the Lord. I felt so indebted to the Lord and wanted to change myself. I then yearned to listen to the fellowship of Brother Yang even more, and every day I attended online gatherings with him and the others. I benefited much from each of our meetings. I not only had some knowledge of the mystery of God’s incarnation, the mystery of God’s names, and the works God performed in the Age of Law and the Age of Grace, but also gained much understanding of God’s disposition and His will to save mankind, as well as understood the reason why the Pharisees believed in God yet resisted Him.
After a period of time, I felt that my heart had come much closer to the Lord and felt peace and joy within my soul. These were the only meetings I wanted to attend. At the same time, I felt curious: We are all believers in God, but why do Brother Yang and the others understand so much? Later, Brother Yang told me that they were members of The Church of Almighty God and that they understood these things from the words expressed by Almighty God. He then used examples from the Bible to bear witness to Almighty God’s work of the last days for me. Through his fellowship I understood that the Lord Jesus did the work of redemption of mankind and that although He forgave us our sins, our sinful natures still remain, such as arrogance, selfishness, and more—they are the root of what leads us to frequently sin and confess. So the Lord Jesus prophesied that He shall return in the last days to perform a stage of work of purifying mankind. Just as the Lord Jesus said, “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come” (John 16:12–13). “He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (John 12:48). Now Almighty God has come and uttered millions of words—He has done the work of judgment beginning in God’s house, on the foundation of the Lord Jesus’ work of redemption to thoroughly resolve the source of mankind’s sins. This is how God cleanses and changes us, and makes us into people who know, love, and obey Him. Ultimately God will bring us into the beautiful kingdom.
When I heard that the Lord Jesus had returned, I felt very excited and really couldn’t believe it was true. Afterward, Brother Yang took verses from the Bible and gave me a detailed fellowship about God’s six-thousand-year management plan to save mankind, how God battles with Satan and defeats it step by step, the inside story of the work of the Age of Law and the Age of Grace, how God begins His work of judgment in the Age of Kingdom of the last days, and more. The fellowship of Brother Yang resolved some of my notions and imaginations about God’s judgment work. In the past I had thought that in the last days God would judge people in the third heaven and that His believers would be brought into the kingdom while those unbelievers would be cast down into hell. After the communication I finally understood that God’s work of judgment in the last days is done through expressing the truth to expose the corrupt natures of mankind, so that we can reflect on and know ourselves and ultimately achieve purification and transformation. Meanwhile I also understood that God’s three stages of work are done according to what we mankind require, that none of them can stand alone, and that they complement each other perfectly. Such is God’s love for us and the wisdom of God’s work. Coming to this realization, I felt my relationship with God had become one step closer, and I wanted to understand more of God’s work even more. Unexpectedly, just when I decided to investigate Almighty God’s work in the last days diligently, a disturbance came upon me …
One day, the preacher found out that I was investigating Almighty God’s work in the last days, and he called me to ask about that. I told him that the Lord had returned as the incarnate Almighty God, and sent him some of Almighty God’s words, hoping that he could also investigate. Surprisingly, he said unhappily, “The CCP government and the religious pastors and elders have labeled The Church of Almighty God as a cult and heresy. This shows that this way is false. You mustn’t believe it. Stop attending gatherings with the people from that church. I advise you to return to our church immediately.” With that, he sent me a news video about the CCP condemning The Church of Almighty God. After I watched it, my head was abuzz. The preacher then told me many things that the religious pastors and elders had said condemning The Church of Almighty God. I began to panic and couldn’t help feeling uncertain, thinking, “Yes. If it is the true way, it should be accepted and supported by the government and the religious world. But how can The Church of Almighty God be condemned by them? Could it be that it is not the true way?” With this thought, I felt very afraid and worried that I would go astray.
After that, I made an excuse and stopped attending gatherings with Brother Yang and the others. On the one hand, I was afraid of being misled, and on the other hand, I wanted to quiet my heart and recollect what they had fellowshiped to see whether it had to do with cults. I thought about how during this period of time when I attended gatherings with them, what they fellowshiped was all about belief. And although I never met them, I could feel their sincerity. When there were problems that I did not understand, they would try their best to fellowship clearly about them. They were loving and patient and had God-fearing hearts. They often told me to seek God’s will more when things befell me. Besides, from the words of Almighty God I had understood many truths and mysteries that had been unclear to me before, and I had attained some knowledge of God, and had formed a closer relationship with Him. From all this and the testimonies given by Brother Yang and the others and their living out, I felt The Church of Almighty God could not possibly be a cult or heresy. But the pastors and elders and the CCP government all slandered it, saying that it was not the true way, so what should I do? Thinking of this, I felt at a loss and repeatedly pondered whether I should continue investigating Almighty God’s work in the last days. I prayed to God and asked Him to guide me to the correct choice, after which I thought of how Brother Yang had once fellowshiped with me that the CCP’s opposition to God had brought various disasters to China and its people. He also fellowshiped about how today’s religious world resists God and once again crucifies Christ of the last days and that they ultimately will be eliminated and forsaken by God like the Pharisees. I figured if Almighty God was really the returned Lord Jesus and I did not look into it, wouldn’t I then miss my chance to welcome the Lord? No, I must continue investigating.
After that, I once again attended an online gathering with the brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God, and when they asked with concern what had happened to me over the past few days, I then told them about my situations. Brother Yang said, “Many people believe that any way that is condemned by national governments or by most religious people cannot be the true way. Is this view really correct? Let us consider: When the Lord Jesus appeared and worked, all of the Jewish faith and the Roman government condemned His work as heresy. So then, could we say that the Lord Jesus’ way was not the true way? The Bible says, ‘And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil’ (John 3:19). ‘This is an evil generation’ (Luke 11:29). All mankind lives under the domain of Satan, is fed up with the truth, and hates the truth, and no one welcomes the arrival of the true light—how then could the arrival of the true God amidst man not be rejected by this evil generation? Just like when the Lord Jesus came and performed His work, the religious leaders fabricated all kinds of rumors to libel and condemn Him, and finally teamed up with the Roman government to have Him crucified. Similarly, today when Almighty God—Christ of the last days—is carrying out the work of judgment beginning with the house of God on the foundation of the Lord Jesus’ work of redemption and is expressing all the truths that enable man to attain full salvation, He isn’t welcomed by the world, and instead has suffered the oppression and persecution by the CCP government, as well as the resistance and condemnation of the religious world. This fulfills the Lord Jesus’ words, ‘For as the lightning, that lightens out of the one part under heaven, shines to the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in His day. But first must He suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation’ (Luke 17:24–25). The CCP is atheist and has always denied the existence of God. Ever since the nation was founded, the CCP has always persecuted religious belief—burning copies of the Bible, demolishing churches, and wantonly arresting and persecuting Christians. It can be said that the CCP is a demon that resists God. So is it qualified to criticize any religious group or church? How could a satanic regime that resists God acknowledge the appearance and work of God? Can the CCP’s lies be the criteria by which we measure the true way?
“Also, many people think that the religious pastors and elders are certainly people who understand the truth and know the Lord because they have served the Lord for many years and are well-versed in the Bible, so if it is the true way, they would not condemn it. However, are the facts really like this? The Pharisees at that time had served God in the temple for years and were familiar with the Scriptures, but did they know the true way and know the Lord? If they had knowledge of the Lord, could they not recognize the Lord’s voice? Could they collude with Roman authorities to nail the Lord Jesus to the cross? Evidently, being familiar with the Bible is not the same as understanding the truth, much less as knowing the Lord. Today’s religious pastors and elders are well-versed in the Bible and often explain the Bible—can this mean that they know the Lord? What do they preach? It is nothing but some biblical knowledge and theological doctrines. They never talk about their testimonies of how they experience the Lord’s words to achieve true submission to the Lord, and the believers never hear them exalt and testify the Lord’s words, or fellowship on the Lord’s will and requirements. The Lord Jesus clearly told us, ‘And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him’ (Matthew 25:6). We can see from these words that when we hear someone testifying the Lord’s return, we should actively seek and investigate—only this is in accordance with the Lord’s will. However, what do the pastors and elders do? They not only don’t lead the believers to seek and investigate the true way, but also seal off the churches, spread the CCP government’s rumors, and prevent the believers from studying the true way and welcoming the Lord. They openly violate the teachings of the Lord. Are such people those who know the Lord? We just listen to their opinions but don’t heed the Lord’s words when we look into the true way—does that accord with the Lord’s will? If we think about the Jewish believers in those early days, they lacked discernment and therefore believed that the religious leaders surely understood the Bible and knew God because they were servants of God. So no matter how the Pharisees resisted the Lord, they just followed them in doing so, and ultimately crucified the Lord, becoming sinners who opposed the Lord. Clearly, if we believe in God but don’t magnify Him, and don’t act according to His words but only heed what people say, we could very easily lose God’s salvation. The Lord Jesus said, ‘My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me’ (John 10:27). And the Book of Revelation prophesies, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). This shows that when the Lord returns in the last days, He will speak His utterances to the churches and, by means of His words, He will seek out His sheep. If we want to examine the true way and learn about the appearance and work of Almighty God, we should listen to Almighty God’s words to determine whether they are the expressions of truth and the voice of God. This is the only way to determine if Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus. Contrarily, if we investigate the work of Almighty God according to whether or not the CCP government, the religious world, or most people approve of and accept it, but we don’t focus on hearing God’s voice, then we will never be able to greet the Lord’s return.”
Hearing the fellowship of Brother Yang was like a sudden awakening for me. That’s right, I thought. The CCP is atheist and opposes God. It is utterly unqualified to condemn any group or church of faith. How could I have believed its lies? As for the religious pastors and elders, I used to think that they were people who served God, understood the Bible, and devoutly waited for the Lord. Unexpectedly, when facing Almighty God’s work in the last days, they not only don’t study it, but instead prevent us believers from doing that, and collude with the atheist government to persecute the Christians from The Church of Almighty God. Is there any difference between them and the Pharisees who resisted the Lord Jesus all those years ago? Just like my preacher, when I advised him to read Almighty God’s words, he didn’t even seek and investigate with an open mind, but spread rumors, judged and condemned God’s work in the last days, and prevented me from contacting the brothers and sisters from The Church of Almighty God. Is he any different from the Pharisees? Just as the Lord Jesus cursed the Pharisees, “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for you neither go in yourselves, neither suffer you them that are entering to go in” (Matthew 23:13). I listened to the words of religious leaders—how ignorant I was!
Brother Yang then said, “Brother, after hearing rumors, you began to doubt whether the work of Almighty God is the true way. This shows that you don’t understand the truth about how to discern between true and false ways. If we understand this aspect of the truth, we won’t be swayed no matter who confuses and obstructs us. Then what are the principles to distinguishing between the true and false way? Let’s read the words of Almighty God, and then we’ll understand. God’s words say, ‘What is the most basic principle in seeking the true way? You have to look at whether or not there is the work of the Holy Spirit in this way, whether or not these words are the expression of the truth, who is testified to, and what it can bring you. Distinguishing between the true way and the false way requires several aspects of basic knowledge, the most fundamental of which is to tell whether or not the work of the Holy Spirit is present therein. For the substance of people’s belief in God is the belief in the Spirit of God, and even their belief in God incarnate is because this flesh is the embodiment of the Spirit of God, which means that such belief is still belief in the Spirit. There are differences between the Spirit and the flesh, but because this flesh comes from the Spirit, and is the Word become flesh, thus what man believes in is still the inherent substance of God. So, in distinguishing whether or not it is the true way, above all you must look at whether or not it has the work of the Holy Spirit, after which you must look at whether or not there is truth in this way. The truth is the life disposition of normal humanity, which is to say, that which was required of man when God created him in the beginning, namely, normal humanity in its entirety (including human sense, insight, wisdom, and the basic knowledge of being man). That is, you need to look at whether or not this way can lead people into a life of normal humanity, whether or not the truth that is spoken of is required according to the reality of normal humanity, whether or not this truth is practical and real, and whether or not it is most timely. If there is truth, then it is able to lead people into normal and real experiences; people, furthermore, become ever more normal, their human sense becomes ever more complete, their life in the flesh and the spiritual life become ever more orderly, and their emotions become ever more normal. This is the second principle. There is one other principle, which is whether or not people have an increasing knowledge of God, and whether or not experiencing such work and truth can inspire a love of God in them and bring them ever closer to God. In this it can be measured whether or not this way is the true way. Most fundamental is whether this way is realistic rather than supernatural, and whether or not it is able to provide for the life of man. If it conforms to these principles, the conclusion can be drawn that this way is the true way.’
“From God’s words we can see that there are three principles to distinguishing between the true way and the false way. First, see whether this way has the work of the Holy Spirit. Second, see whether it contains expressions of the truth and can provide sustenance for the needs of the believers in this age. Third, see whether it can enable people to know God.
“Let’s first look at the first principle, which is to see whether this way has the work of the Holy Spirit. The substance of our belief in God is the belief in the Spirit of God, and even when God becomes flesh, His substance is still God’s Spirit. So since it is the true way, it will surely have the maintenance and the work of the Holy Spirit, and none of Satan’s forces can stand in the way or abolish it. This is a certainty. Besides, those who accept the true way are able to receive enlightenment and guidance from the Holy Spirit, and their belief in God and love for God become ever greater. Just like when the Lord Jesus appeared to do His work, He brought people the gospel of the kingdom of heaven and gave them the way of repentance. Those who truly followed the Lord found release, freedom, light, and security in their hearts after hearing the Lord Jesus’ sermons. After the Lord Jesus resurrected and ascended to heaven, the Holy Spirit still performed great work among the churches: Although the believers faced the savage persecution and frantic arrest of the Jewish religious world and the Roman government, they still spread the gospel and bore witness to the Lord with absolute faith; even if they became martyrs, they were willing and happy to do so. Now the gospel of the Lord Jesus’ salvation has spread to the ends of the earth and has become a household name; no force can stop the expansion of the Lord’s gospel. This is all due to the work of the Holy Spirit. It can be seen that the Lord Jesus brought us the true way.
“In the last days the Lord Jesus has returned in the flesh as Almighty God. Almighty God has expressed the truth and performed the work of judging and purifying people, bringing us the path of salvation. In all religions and denominations, those who sincerely believe in God and love the truth recognize God’s voice through the words and work of Almighty God, and all turn toward Him. They read Almighty God’s words every day, receive the supply of God’s words, and understand many truths and mysteries that have been unclear to them before. When things befall them, they are able to find the path to practice from Almighty God’s words. Their belief and love are becoming ever greater. Besides, since Almighty God began His work in China in 1991, He has suffered the resistance and condemnation of China’s ruling party and the religious world, but nothing can stop the expansion of the kingdom gospel. Now millions of people have returned to Almighty God across the entire Chinese mainland. And new branches of The Church of Almighty God are set up in foreign countries, such as South Korea, the United States, France, Spain, and more—the gospel of The Church of Almighty God is extending across the seas to all nations, just like lightning. This is sufficient to show that Almighty God’s way has the work of the Holy Spirit and so is the true way. Contrarily, false ways are from man and simply don’t have the work and maintenance of the Holy Spirit. Even if they can confuse people for a short while, they will soon perish of themselves. This fulfills the words ‘what’s of God will increase and what’s of man will decrease.’”
After hearing Brother Yang’s fellowship, I felt very much in agreement with it, and I could not help but think of what I had seen in videos: When the brothers and sisters from The Church of Almighty God were undergoing all manner of cruel tortures by the CCP, they vowed never to deny God or betray God, and bore resounding testimony to God by relying on the faith and power they derived from Almighty God’s words. If it weren’t for the work of the Holy Spirit, how could anyone have this much faith? Now many people from all religions and denominations in countries all over the world have joined The Church of Almighty God. If it weren’t for the work of the Holy Spirit, which denomination can have all faiths become one?
Brother Yang continued his fellowship, “The second principle of discerning the true and false ways is to see whether this way has the truth, whether it can make people receive the provision, and whether people’s living out is becoming more and more normal. As we all know, the words expressed by God are all the truth, and are the guide and principles to conducting ourselves and living. So, the most obvious characteristic of the true way is that it contains expressions of the truth. After we accept the way and practice the truth, what we live out will become more and more normal, and we will feel ever deeper change in our life disposition. For instance, in the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus expressed the way of repentance, taught believers to love God, love others as themselves, and forgive others seventy times seven times, and more. These are all the truth and could never be expressed by any human being. If we follow the Lord’s teachings, we will be able to have some external good behaviors, live out some normal humanity, tolerate and forgive others, and more. From the words expressed by the Lord and the effects of His work in us, it can be seen that the Lord Jesus’ work is the true way.
“If we wish to determine whether the work of Almighty God is the true way, we can look to see whether this way contains expressions of the truth. We all know that though we have been forgiven by believing in the Lord, our sinful nature remains deep within us. So we still always live in sin, unable to escape, and are incapable of practicing the Lord’s words. For example, we lie and cheat for the sake of our own interests, we can be jealous of others and can hate others, we can still be arrogant and conceited and show ourselves off, we elevate ourselves and belittle others, and when natural or man-made disasters come upon us, when we encounter trials and tribulations, we blame God and betray God…. No matter how hard we try, we are incapable of getting rid of the bonds and constraints of sin. This is why when the Lord returns in the last days, He, according to our needs as corrupt mankind, has expressed all the truths that enable us to attain purification and complete salvation on the foundation of the Lord Jesus’ work; this is to completely save us from a life of sinning and confessing. This fulfills the prophecy uttered by the Lord Jesus, ‘I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:12–13). ‘He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day’ (John 12:48). Almighty God has expressed millions of words. These words tell us the mysteries of God’s management plan, such as the mystery of God’s six-thousand-year management plan, the mysteries of God’s three stages of work, the mystery of God’s incarnation, and the mystery of how to discern between a false way and the true way and of how to discern between a false Christ and the true Christ. God’s words also reveal the factual truth of mankind’s corruption by Satan, so that we can gain understanding of our own corrupt satanic dispositions, such as arrogance, conceit, crookedness, deceitfulness, selfishness, despicability, greed and evil. At the same time God’s words show us the way to transform our dispositions, such as how to resolve the arrogant and conceited disposition, how to be honest people, how to achieve knowledge of and obedience to God, and more. Only by experiencing God’s judgment and chastisement do we know the root of our sins and resistance against God, and do we see that because we are dominated by satanic disposition, what we live out is still the satanic ugliness and we don’t have the conscience and sense of a normal humanity. Thus we detest ourselves even more and become willing to forsake our flesh, and to conduct ourselves and act according to God’s words. Those who have experienced Almighty God’s work in the last days for a few years have had their corrupt dispositions changed to varying degrees. They have written articles giving testimony on their own personal experiences of Almighty God’s judgment work through words, including the experiences and testimonies of how they have cast off their corrupt dispositions of being arrogant, selfish, and deceitful, and achieved purification, how they have resolved their perfunctoriness and achieved loyalty to God, how they have genuinely repented and practiced being honest people, how they truly obeyed God when they experienced various trials and refinement, and arrest and persecution by the great red dragon, and more. These brothers’ and sisters’ experiences and testimonies show that after experiencing the judgment and chastisement of Almighty God’s words, they indeed have achieved some transformation in their life disposition, had their corruption cleansed, recovered the conscience and sense inherent to humanity, and become more and more like what a real human being should be. We can see from the result of God’s judgment work in the last days that the way of Almighty God is the true way.”
I continued listening to Brother Yang fellowshiping about the third principle of discerning the true and false ways. He said, “As long as it is the true way, it is capable of making people have an ever greater understanding of God. This is because every time God does work, He reveals a part of His disposition to people, and through experiencing His work, we can gain new knowledge of Him. This is just as in the Age of Law, when Jehovah God proclaimed laws to guide the people’s lives. Whoever could abide by these laws and commandments would gain God’s blessings. Otherwise, those who failed to abide by these laws and commandments would perish in heavenly fire or be crushed by rocks. From this people recognized God’s majesty and wrath and that His disposition must not be offended, which created within them a reverent heart for God. In the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus bestowed endless grace and blessings, peace and joy upon people, and was crucified for the sake of mankind to save them from the condemnation and bonds of the law. From the Lord Jesus’ words and work, we realize that God is full of mercy and love for us and that His essence truly is love. In the last days, Almighty God expresses the words and performs the work of judgment, revealing people’s corruption and rebelliousness, incorrect motives and thoughts deep within our hearts, as well as our notions and imaginations about God. This makes us see that God scrutinizes people’s innermost beings, and meanwhile recognize that God condemns and loathes sin. Thus, we gain new knowledge of God and see that God’s inherent disposition not only contains love and mercy, but also righteousness, holiness, majesty and wrath. If God did not carry out His work of judgment in the last days, we would not gain new knowledge of God, and would even define God’s disposition as being just merciful and loving. No matter what kind of disposition God expresses, it is salvation and love for mankind.”
After hearing Brother Yang’s fellowship about the three principles of discerning the true and false ways, I felt very clear within my heart. Yes. If it is the true way, it has the work of the Holy Spirit, contains expressions of the truth, can make us attain transformation of our life disposition, and can even more enable us to gain new knowledge of God. Contrarily, if it is a false way or an old way, it doesn’t have the maintenance and work of the Holy Spirit, and so it surely is a pool of stagnant water regardless of how many people accept it. Its believers have no transformation and are no different from worldly people. It is just like my church: Although it looks crowded, I still lack true knowledge of God after my ten years of faith in the Lord. Besides, I cannot put the Lord’s teachings into practice though I know them well, often live in a cycle of sinning and confessing, and haven’t transformed my life disposition. This is because the work of the Holy Spirit has shifted from the churches of the Age of Grace to Almighty God’s work of the last days. At that time, my heart brightened. Almighty God’s words have made the principles of evaluating the true way crystal clear. The words of Almighty God are the truth and the work of Almighty God is the true way. I truly accepted Almighty God in my heart and became certain that Almighty God is the Lord Jesus returned. I was so grateful to God for choosing me and using the brothers and sisters to spread the gospel to me, so that I heard God’s voice. I also rejoiced that thanks to God’s guidance I wasn’t deceived by rumors into giving up investigating the true way.
In the following days, I read Almighty God’s words every day, and whenever I had time I would watch various videos from The Church of Almighty God online. In the past, because I felt bored, I would play games online in my free time, but now with the guidance of God’s words, my life has become enriched. Gradually, through attending gatherings and fellowshiping Almighty God’s words, I have begun to gain some understanding of my satanic disposition of being arrogant and deceitful, and I consciously practice the truth and seek to be an honest person. Now although I know I don’t understand many truths, that much of my corrupt disposition hasn’t been cleansed and changed, and that the path of belief in God is not all smooth sailing, with the guidance of God’s words, I have the faith to follow God to the end.
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