Daily Words of God: Judgment in the Last Days | Excerpt 95
My word is being implemented in every country, place, nation, and denomination, and it is being fulfilled in every corner at any given time. The disas…
My footsteps tread across the universe and to the ends of the earth, My eyes are examining every single person constantly, and, moreover, I watch the universe as a whole. My words are actually at work in every corner of the universe. Whosoever dares not render service for Me, whosoever dares be disloyal to Me, whosoever dares render judgment upon My name, and whosoever dares revile and slander My sons—those truly capable of such things must undergo severe judgment. My judgment will befall in its totality, which means that now is the era of judgment, and, through careful observation, you will find that My judgment extends throughout the universe world. Of course, My house will not be exempt; judgment will come to those whose thoughts, words, or actions do not conform to My will. Understand this! My judgment is directed at the entire universe world, not only at one group of people or things. Have you come to realize this? If, deep down, you are conflicted in your thoughts about Me, then you will be judged internally at once.
My judgment comes in all shapes and forms. Know this! I am the unique and wise God of the universe world! Nothing is beyond My power. My judgments are all revealed to you: If you are conflicted about Me in your thoughts, I will enlighten you, as a warning. If you do not listen, I will abandon you immediately (in this I am referring not to doubting My name, but to outward behaviors that relate to carnal pleasures). If your thoughts toward Me are defiant, if you complain to Me, if you repeatedly accept the ideas of Satan, and if you do not follow the feelings of life, then your spirit will be in darkness and your flesh will suffer pain. You must be closer to Me. You cannot possibly restore your normal condition in only one or two days, and your life will fall far behind visibly. As for those who are dissolute in speech, I shall discipline your mouths and tongues, and subject your tongues to being dealt with. Those who are unrestrainedly dissolute in deed, I shall warn you in your spirits, and I will severely chastise those who do not listen. Those who openly judge and defy Me, being those who display disobedience in word or deed, I shall utterly eliminate and abandon them, causing them to perish and to lose the highest blessings; these are the ones who will be eliminated after being chosen. Those who are ignorant, being those whose visions are not clear, I will yet enlighten them and save them; however, those who understand the truth yet do not practice it will be administered according to the aforesaid rules, whether they are ignorant or not. As for those people who have had errant intentions from the start, I shall make them forever unable to grasp reality, and, eventually, they shall gradually be eliminated, one by one. Not one will remain, though they remain now by My arrangement (for I do not do things hastily, but in an orderly fashion).
My judgment is completely revealed; it addresses various people, who must all take their proper places. I will administer and judge people according to which rules they have broken. As for those who are not in this name and do not accept Christ of the last days, only one rule applies: I shall immediately take the spirits, souls, and bodies of any who defy Me and cast them into Hades; whoever does not defy Me, I shall wait for you to mature before carrying out a second judgment. My words explain everything with absolute clarity, and nothing is hidden. I hope only that you are able to keep them in mind at all times!
Excerpted from The Word Appears in the Flesh
My word is being implemented in every country, place, nation, and denomination, and it is being fulfilled in every corner at any given time. The disas…
No one is more suitable, and qualified, than God in the flesh for the work of judging the corruption of man’s flesh. If judgment were carried out dire…
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The incarnate God is called Christ, and Christ is the flesh donned by the Spirit of God. This flesh is unlike any man that is of the flesh. This diffe…